Step #1 "Setting the environment"

We will need the Oracle VM's Ubuntu virtual system that is supplied on the USB-stick. After launching virtual Ubuntu I would recommend to create a so-called shared folder to provide bidirectional file exchange between virtual Linux and your system (native Linux, in my case). It can be done via menu as shown on the screenshot below:

I assume that all the following steps will be performed in native / virtual Debian / Ubuntu-based 64-bit Linux environment. In 32-bit Linux-system the Socionext’s toolchain won’t work for sure.

Step #1: First of all, we need to install some specific packages. As long as the target platform is ARM/32-bit we need to get 32-bit related headers that will be directly used at cross-compilation stage:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt install build-essential binutils-multiarch 
sudo apt install libc6-dev:i386 libstdc++-7-dev:i386

The whole following work will be done in directory ~/socionext. In particular, the toolchain is supposed to be placed in subdirectory ~/socionext/gcc-linaro-5.3.1-2016.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.

I would also highly recommend to install the mentioned packages:

sudo apt install ccache ninja-build

ninja-build - a Makefile-like build system that is also used by NodeJS project;

ccache - compilator cache - really saves a lot of time when you have to recompile the whole project’s source tree several times;

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